About Us

Our desire to parent is rooted in our love of teaching. We are excited to share the wonders of this world with your child. Both of Dave’s parents were teachers and his love of learning began early. Neilee grew up exploring the world around her and spending much of her youth outdoors. We want to share our interests and sense of exploration with your child.

Discussions about adoption started during our struggles with infertility. After several years of trying to get pregnant with no success, Neilee was diagnosed with uterine cancer. The doctors recommended a hysterectomy, eliminating the possibility of biological children. Following Neilee’s surgery, we transitioned our focus towards seriously pursuing adoption.

Our experiences have strengthened our bond. Through adoption we will have the opportunity to share our love with a child.

About Neilee

by Dave

Neilee is generous, intelligent, and funny. I’ve never met anyone who cares about others as she does. Her love of animals is just one example of the way she views the world through kind, compassionate eyes. Neilee works five minutes from home at a veterinary clinic, and I always look forward to our lunchtime “meet and eat” when she can fill me in on her day so far. The time I spend with her is the most cherished moments of my day.

About Dave

by Neilee

Dave is smart, adventurous, and compassionate. He is a hard worker that puts his family first. Dave works from home selling books and repairing musical instruments. He is excited to have a little helper he can share his skills with, particularly woodworking in his shop. Dave’s love of puns fills our home with laughter. Though his goal is always to make me laugh, he’s frequently met with a smirk and an eye roll which he says are indications of a good pun.